Getting Started With Linux System Administration


Lab setup data from the Pluralsight course on:

Getting Started with Linux System Administration

The Complete Obsolete Guide to Generative AI (from Manning) is a lighthearted look at programming with AI, as well as a rock-solid resource for getting the most out of these insanely powerful services. Let it be your guide to analyzing massive data sources, summarize pages and pages of text, and scour the live internet.


Working with log data

journalctl --since "10 minutes ago"
cat syslog | grep eth0

Setting process priorities

nice -19 yes > /dev/null &
renice 15 -p <PID>

Working with users and groups

sudo useradd -m jane 
sudo passwd jane
sudo mkdir /var/secret
sudo groupadd secret-group
sudo chown :secret-group /var/secret
sudo usermod -a -G secret-group jane
sudo chmod g+w /var/secret

sudo chown ubuntu:secret-group /var/secret
chmod o+x data.txt
chmod 777 myfile

sudo chmod +t /var/secret
sudo ln -s /home/ubuntu/scripts/ /var/secret/

Port scanning

nmap -v -sT localhost
nmap -v -sT

Launching a Docker container

nano Dockerfile

# Dockerfile to create Ubuntu webserver
FROM ubuntu:latest

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y apache2
RUN echo "Welcome to my web site" > /var/www/html/index.html
CMD /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND

docker build -t "webserver" .
docker images
docker run -d -p 80:80 webserver