Getting Started With the Linux Command Line


Lab setup data from the Pluralsight course on:

Getting Started with the Linux Command Line

The Complete Obsolete Guide to Generative AI (from Manning) is a lighthearted look at programming with AI, as well as a rock-solid resource for getting the most out of these insanely powerful services. Let it be your guide to analyzing massive data sources, summarize pages and pages of text, and scour the live internet.


Parsing a data stream

cut -d: -f3 /etc/group
cut -d: -f3 /etc/group | sort -n
cut -d: -f3 /etc/group | sort -rn

Writing a file from standard error

wget pluralsight.comm 2> errorfile.txt

Using command substitution

cd /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel

Working with user inputs

declare -i number1
declare -i number2
declare -i total
echo "What's your favorite number? "
read number1
echo "What number do you really hate? "
read number2
echo "Aha! They equal " $total
exit 0

Looping with for

for i in {0..10..2}
       echo "We've been through this $i times already!"


for filename in file1 file2 file3
      echo "Important stuff" >> $filename

if-else controls

echo "What's your favorite color? "
read text1
echo "What's your best friend's favorite color? "
read text2
   if test $text1 != $text2; then
      echo "I guess opposites attract."
      echo "You two do think alike!"
exit 0

Counting with while

declare -i counter
   while [ $counter -gt 2 ]; do
      echo The counter is $counter
exit 0

Testing input using case

echo "What's tomorrow's weather going to be like?"
read weather
   case $weather in
      sunny | warm ) echo "Nice! I love it when it's " $weather
      cloudy | cool ) echo "Not bad..." $weather" is ok, too"
      rainy | cold ) echo "Yuk!" $weather" weather is depressing"
      * ) echo "Sorry, I’m not familiar with that weather system."
exit 0