Although I’ve badly neglected my poor old blog for months now, it’s never been completely forgotten. For now, though, it will have to make do with some simple updates.
Aside from a few more layers of review, my book “Learn Amazon Web Services in a Month of Lunches” is pretty much complete. It’s already started pre-production and is really taking shape. Of course, chapter drafts have also been selling through Manning’s MEAP subscription for months now.
If you’re curious but still unsure whether you want to pull out your credit card, you can read four articles based on the book on Medium, or take a look through the slideshare intro put together by Manning.
The book on Linux server virtualization and cluster computing I wrote for the LPI’s LPIC-3 304 certification exam may also be coming out soon…despite the fact that it was actually done more than six months ago. That one I had nearly forgotten. I hope to have more information on that coming soon.
I certainly haven’t been ignoring Pluralsight: my tenth PS course (Managing Docker Images) just came online a few weeks ago, and an eleventh (Docker on Elastic Beanstalk) should be following within the month.